Kocaeli Karamursel Water Transmıssıon Tunnel Project

Main Contractor : Arhat & Medsan Karamürsel Joint Venture
Line Length : 2768 m
Number of TBM : 1
Excavation Diameter : 3250 mm
Segment Length : 1000 mm
Segment Outer Diameter : 3000 mm
Segment Inner Diameter : 2600 mm
Contract Date : 11.05.2022
Starting Date : 23.07.2022
Completion Date : On-going – December, 2023
Scope of Özsöz
: The tunnel will be excavated by TBM that consisting of length of 2768 m. Single Shield EPB type TBM will be used which one was designed and supplied by E-BERK.The scope of Özsöz is an excavation with the TBM (The TBM : E-3303 ) , Tunnel Segment Production and Completion of the Injection Works.This project aims to provide healthy and adequate drinking and utility water in the long term for the districts of Kocaeli Province, Gölcük and Karamürsel. The project will be consists of total length of 2768 m of a segment lined (segment inner dia: 2600mm) tunnel with a nominal excavation dia of 3250 mm.